Dylan's Blog

Hack the Box: Blue Writeup

Category: oscp-prep


Blue is a Windows box that is vulnerable to EternalBlue and we can get SYSTEM access in less than 5 minutes.

Recon and Enumeration

Start off by running nmap to see what ports are open:

sudo nmap -sC -sV

Right away, we can see that port 445 is open and that the box is running Windows 7 SP1, which makes me think of EternalBlue. (Also hinted by the name of this box).


I want to double check that the box is vulnerable, so I run vuln scripts in nmap.

nmap -p445 --script vuln


Exploitation and SYSTEM Access

After verifying the box is vulnerable to EternalBlue, the easiest way to exploit it is to use the built in modules in Metasploit. So I open up msfconsole and do a search for eternalblue.


For this attempt, I went with exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue. All I had to do was set RHOSTS to Blue’s IP and LHOST to my IP and run the exploit.

After waiting about 30 seconds, I had a shell on the box with Admin privileges.
