Dylan's Blog

2020 Flare-On Challenge 1 Writeup: Fidler

Category: CTF

Challenge 1 - Fidler


Welcome to the Seventh Flare-On Challenge!

This is a simple game. Win it by any means necessary and the victory screen will reveal the flag. Enter the flag here on this site to score and move on to the next level.

This challenge is written in Python and is distributed as a runnable EXE and matching source code for your convenience. You can run the source code directly on any Python platform with PyGame if you would prefer.

Download - fidler.7z


Tools Used



tl;dr: Find victory condition in source code, run decode_flag with hard-coded victory condition.

In this challenge we were given the following directories and files:



fonts and img contained the various assets for the game, controls.py looks like it handles events in the UI, fidler.exe is the game executable, and fidler.py contains the python source code for the game.

fidler.py - decode_flag and victory_screen

The decode_flag function calculates the final flag using frob, which is some token that gets passed to the victory_screen function. But how is the token calculated?

def decode_flag(frob):
    last_value = frob
    encoded_flag = [1135, 1038, 1126, 1028, 1117, 1071, 1094, 1077, 1121, 1087, 1110, 1092, 1072, 1095, 1090, 1027,
                    1127, 1040, 1137, 1030, 1127, 1099, 1062, 1101, 1123, 1027, 1136, 1054]
    decoded_flag = []

    for i in range(len(encoded_flag)):
        c = encoded_flag[i]
        val = (c - ((i%2)*1 + (i%3)*2)) ^ last_value
        last_value = c

    return ''.join([chr(x) for x in decoded_flag])

def victory_screen(token):
    screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 160))
    clock = pg.time.Clock()
    heading = Label(20, 20, 'If the following key ends with @flare-on.com you probably won!',
                    color=pg.Color('gold'), font=pg.font.Font('fonts/arial.ttf', 22))
    flag_label = Label(20, 105, 'Flag:', color=pg.Color('gold'), font=pg.font.Font('fonts/arial.ttf', 22))
    flag_content_label = Label(120, 100, 'the_flag_goes_here',
                               color=pg.Color('red'), font=pg.font.Font('fonts/arial.ttf', 32))

    controls = [heading, flag_label, flag_content_label]
    done = False


    while not done:
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                done = True
            for control in controls:

        for control in controls:

        screen.fill((30, 30, 30))
        for control in controls:


In the game_screen function in fidler.py, we find that the token is calculated based on the current_coins and target_amount values. We now have enough information to calculate the flag.

Token Calculation

while not done:
        target_amount = (2**36) + (2**35)
        if current_coins > (target_amount - 2**20):
            while current_coins >= (target_amount + 2**20):
                current_coins -= 2**20
            victory_screen(int(current_coins / 10**8))

Solution Script

def decode_flag(frob):
    last_value = frob
    encoded_flag = [1135, 1038, 1126, 1028, 1117, 1071, 1094, 1077, 1121, 1087, 1110, 1092, 1072, 1095, 1090, 1027,
                    1127, 1040, 1137, 1030, 1127, 1099, 1062, 1101, 1123, 1027, 1136, 1054]
    decoded_flag = []

    for i in range(len(encoded_flag)):
        c = encoded_flag[i]
        val = (c - ((i%2)*1 + (i%3)*2)) ^ last_value
        last_value = c

    return ''.join([chr(x) for x in decoded_flag])

target_amount = (2**36) + (2**35)
token = int(target_amount / 10**8)


Running the above script prints out our flag: idle_with_kitty@flare-on.com