Dylan's Blog

2022 Flare-On 9 Challenge 1: Flaredle

Category: CTF

Challenge 1 - Flaredle


Welcome to Flare-On 9!

You probably won’t win. Maybe you’re like us and spent the year playing Wordle. We made our own version that is too hard to beat without cheating.

Play it live at: http://flare-on.com/flaredle/

Download (password: flare) - 01_flaredle.7z


Tools Used



The first challenge of any Flare-On is usually pretty straight forward, just need to review source code and find the win condition.

In this challenge, we’re given the following files and a link to a website (website may be offline by the time this is posted):

Initial Analysis

Visiting the website, it looks like Flare’s take on Wordle.

Flardle Board

Reviewing the source code

Opening script.js, we see that the correct guess is set in the first few lines.

import { WORDS } from "./words.js";

const WORD_LENGTH = 21;
const CORRECT_GUESS = 57;
let guessesRemaining = NUMBER_OF_GUESSES;
let currentGuess = [];
let nextLetter = 0;
let rightGuessString = WORDS[CORRECT_GUESS];

We can confirm this is actually the case further down, where our guess, guessString is checked against rightGuessString.

if (guessString === rightGuessString) {
		let flag = rightGuessString + '@flare-on.com';
		toastr.options.timeOut = 0;
		toastr.options.onclick = function() {alert(flag);}
        toastr.success('You guessed right! The flag is ' + flag);

        guessesRemaining = 0
    } else {
        guessesRemaining -= 1;
        currentGuess = [];
        nextLetter = 0;

        if (guessesRemaining === 0) {
            toastr.error("You've run out of guesses! Game over!")
            toastr.info('Try reverse engineering the code to discover the correct "word"!');

If the two are equal, @flare-on.com is appended to rightGuessString and we are given the flag.

We can open words.js and see that flareonisallaboutcats is at index 57. (Screenshot shows line 58 because line count starts at 1)

Correct Word


Entering flareonisallaboutcats as our answer confirms this is the flag.


Flag: flareonisallaboutcats@flare-on.com